Tech for Campaigns Website
Judy Seeberger is a candidate running for Minnesota state senate in the upcoming elections.
Our main goal was to launch a professional and inviting website to recruit potential volunteers, increase donors and voters in her district.
Adriana Ferrer
Kim W
Sarah Stanley
Cindy Boatwright
My role
UX Design
Visual Design
5 weeks end-to-end
The Challenge
Democrats’ digital disadvantage extends to technology. How might we build tools for campaigns and caucuses to streamline their efforts, win elections, and provide value beyond a single election cycle?
The Process
Having no previous experience designing websites for politicians I took the research very seriously and conducted research as follows:
Stakeholder interviews
Competitive analysis
Heuristic Evaluation
Based on the site map, I created low-fidelity wireframes to serve as blueprint for the visual interface of the website. It allowed me to visualize hierarchy, priority, and flow before implementing more minute details, such as font and colors. I the progressively moved on to medium fidelity prototyping where I played around with the color palette based on the campaign branding.
What I learned
Taking the Lead
I learned that even sometimes it’s best to trust yourself and take action. In this case I had to make a lot of decisions on my own. I also had to present these decisions.
Trust the Process
I’m highly critical of myself. Sometimes this can lead me to doubt myself in the early stages of design. I’ve now learned to trust the process and to follow through in order to achieve success!
The Reward!
I center service at everything I do. I learned that just like in education. UX can be highly rewarding and self fulfilling. I look forward to working on many future campaigns.